Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Just another book meme

Dayton Ward is "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", but...

I'm The Poisonwood Bible!

by Barbara Kingsolver

Deeply rooted in a religious background, you have since become both
isolated and schizophrenic. You were naively sure that your actions would help people, but of course they were resistant to your message and ultimately disaster ensued. Since you can see so many sides of the same issue, you are both wise beyond your years and tied to worthless perspectives. If you were a type of waffle, it would be Belgian.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Now I'm curious. Much of the analysis is quirkily spot-on - isolated and schizophrenic?; just check out this blog - but I've never read "The Poisonwood Bible". Something to add to the pile!

Mmmmm. (Channeling Homer:) Belgian waffles.


Jean Prouvaire said...

I swear I didn't have to tweak anything to get this on my first try:

You're Les Miserables!

by Victor Hugo

One of the best known people in your community, you have become
something of a phenomenon. People have sung about you, danced in your honor, created all
manner of art in your name. And yet your story is one of failure and despair, with a few
brief exceptions. A hopeless romantic, you'll never stop hoping that more good will come
from your failings than is ever possible. Beware detectives and prison guards bearing


Therin of Andor said...

Now that's bizarre, Monsieur Valjean!

Anonymous said...

I got:

You're Anarchy, State, and Utopia!
by Robert Nozick

If it were up to you, there would probably be no government at all. But then you'd have to deal with there being no government, and nobody likes that. So you've decided that hiring a few security guards is okay. Getting rid of that nasty tax collector would sure be nice, though. He keeps getting in the way of you making the money you so richly deserve! Everyone who believes in you happens to be fairly well off.

Hmmm...not sure what to think about that one :)