Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy blogversary to me!

Hey, I just noticed. I've been blogging for a whole year now.

It's certainly the longest I've ever kept a diary, and it's been very satisfying to put my various Internet responses somewhere more permanent that just letting them drop off the menu at some online bulletin board.

Thanks everyone for the support, even if so few of you leave messages. I can tell by Sitemeter that there are plenty of Star Trek, pet and naked Abigail fans out there, even if you don't always tell me in person that you've dropped by again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of blog entries! Especially in a year! I wish some of my acquaintences from college updated their blogs half as often as you do!

I've been blogging *officially* on a near weekly basis since July 2002 - in 10 days it'll be my 5th Anniversary.

However, I recently just started my first blog about Trek, and plan on that taking the place of my current "My Life Blah Blah Blah" blog.